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More IUL Regulatory Changes Coming – AG49-A "Version 2.0"

Don’t Plan on Selling Out—YET

What Our Industry Needs Most

How to boost prospecting by reshaping your sales process.

How to use expertise to grow your agency.

What's the right business model for your agency? And how to use it to increase longevity and profitability.

Want to Keep Your Agency Running Smoothly and Drive More Sales? Here's How...

How to Find and Bring On the Best Talent in the Insurance Business

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What You Need to Know About IUL Insurance Policy Loans

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An Underutilized Strategy to Help Pay Health Care Costs in Retirement

Sequence of Returns Risk Simplified for Your Clients

Wealthy Family Secrets That Could Benefit Your Middle-Income Clients

How Mike Turned 1-Minute Videos into First Appointments

Not Sure When to Use a Term Conversion Strategy? Here's What You Need to Know

How to Help Clients Fill the Social Security Income Gap

When Does a Roth IRA Conversion Make Sense?

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Life Insurance in College Planning

Volatility Control Indices: Are they as good as they look?

5 Steps to More (and Better) Financial Services Clients

How to Choose a Life Insurance Carrier for Your Client's Policy

Help Make Clients Immune... with Life Insurance?

Be a Mind Reader of Client Financial Concerns

Here's How IUL Insurance Could Benefit Clients of Almost Any Age

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Bond Alternatives You Can Use to Strengthen Clients' Portfolios

Protection Beyond the Pandemic

4 Ways Clients Can Use Life Insurance in a Retirement Income Strategy

How Should Financial Professionals Deliver Bad News to Clients and Prospects?

Creating Opportunities in a Virtual World

Benefits that Could be Available to You Under the CARES Act

3 Ways Clients Could Increase Returns (without additional investment risk)

Do Your Clients Have Lazy Money?

5 Ways to Get Business Paid Faster

Stress Management Techniques for Financial Professionals

How to Prioritize Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCi) Options for Clients

Switching from Commission-Only to a Hybrid-Advisor Model: Is it right for you?

3 Mistakes You're Making at Workshops and Seminars (and how to fix them)

How to Add to Your Bottom Line (without acquiring new clients)

Could 'Stuffing the Tax Brackets' Help Clients in Retirement?

Wow Your Prospects with Videos: A How-To for Financial Professionals

How Do You Define the Value of Financial Advice for a Naysayer?

Grow Insurance Agency Profit with Professional Development Initiatives

How to Hit The Next Level in Your Financial Practice in 2020

The Key to Exceeding Customer Expectations

What are the SECURE Act Opportunities?

Insurance Agencies That Want to Remain Profitable Know THIS

Ensure Your Insurance Agency SWOT Analysis Isn't an Exercise in Futility

A Roundup of Our Most Popular Blog Posts for 2019

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Does a Delayed Strategy for Social Security Make Sense?

3 Social Security Misconceptions That Permanently Alter Retirement Income

How to Craft a Mission Statement That Actually Improves Your Business

How Current Trends Could Be the Catalyst for Growth in Your Agency

How Financial Professionals Can Multiply Their Marketing Efforts

Signs that Imposter Syndrome May Be Harming Your Financial Practice (and how to stop it)

Why Millennials Might Be Your Next Target Market for IUL Insurance

How to Build More Effective Client Relationships This Holiday Season

The Long-Term Care (LTC) Crisis: A Major Risk to Retirement Outcomes

How to Overcome Skepticism and Earn Trust with Prospects and Clients

Succession Planning for Insurance Agency Owners: Protect Your Most Valuable Asset

[Financial Professionals] Want to Get More Appointments from LinkedIn? Read This.

Planning for College Costs While Preserving the Retirement Nest Egg

What's Your Prospect's Problem? How and Why You Need to Figure It Out

Should Your Clients Fear a Recession?

It's All About the Story … According to Our Brains

Why Your IUL Illustration May Require a Second Look

5 Tips for Attracting Top Senior Level Talent to Your Insurance Agency

76% of Clients Would Switch Financial Professionals for This Reason

How You Can Help Increase the Longevity of Your Insurance Agency

Is an MVA on a Fixed Indexed Annuity Good or Bad for a Client?

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How to Achieve Your End Goal for Your Independent Insurance Agency

Could This New Way of Marketing Transform How You Prospect?

Why More Women Should Become Financial Advisors

Does Your Agency - IMO Relationship Include These 5 Quality Indicators?

Roth IRA Conversions: 5 Factors Your Clients Should Consider

Understanding Two Types of Life Insurance Premium Finance Options

Should You Bother With a Younger Generation of Insurance Clients?

Yes... Even You Need a Coach!

Could This Make Clients' Annual Financial Reviews More Worthwhile?

Powerful Questions That Help You Map Out a Client's Retirement Journey

5 Hard-Learned Lessons From the DOL: An IMO Perspective

If Clients' Dollars Have a Purpose, Are Those Accounts Really Liquid?

Strategies Your Clients May Want During Market Turbulence

Top 4 Succession Options Producers Can Share with Business Owners

Help Your Clients Be Aware of RMDs and Related Taxes in Retirement

What is the End Game of Your Financial Services Agency?

Tax Deduction Limitations of IRC Sec. 199A for Financial Professionals

6 Ways to Help Increase Attendance for Financial Services Workshops

Share the Value of Long-Term Care and Annuity "Doubler" Income Riders

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Strategies for Financial Services Businesses

4 Goals Financial Professionals Should Set and Achieve This Year

Is It Time to Merge or Sell Your Financial Services Agency?

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Acquires Partners Advantage Insurance Services, LLC and AMZ Financial Insurance Services, LLC

Is the Split-Dollar Strategy Still Alive in 2019?

6 Steps You Can Take to Partner with a CPA to Gain New Clients

Can Financial Professionals Afford Not to Have an Assistant?

Annuity Production Predicted to Increase for Financial Professionals in 2019

Great American's Two New Annuities

Non-Medical vs Underwritten Life Insurance Policies

Two Insurance Marketing Powerhouses Announce Merger

Carrier to Make Changes to Caps & Participation Rates Due To Market Conditions

Life Insurance Products for Clients Focused on Wealth Accumulation

Why IUL Cap Rates are Decreasing

Getting Your Prospect to Think About Longevity, and Longevity Calculators

How Your Clients Can Increase Future IUL Contributions

3 Ways Your Clients Can Benefit from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Best Sales Techniques for Financial Advisors and Insurance Agents -

Top 10 Posts From Our Blog This Year

How Financial Professionals Can Find More Leads

Evolution of Life Insurance Tax Codes

Importance of Retirement Income Planning Strategies for Your Clients

Why Financial Professionals Need a Marketing Calendar for Their Businesses

How Order of Returns Risk Can Impact Your Clients

Don't Let Prospects Stall with the Excuse "After the Holidays"

The First Step of Social Media Marketing for Financial Professionals

Why Many IMOs Have Earned a Bad Reputation

5 Important Lessons From Workshop Prospects Who Said "No Thank You"

Questions You Should Ask Clients to Reduce Delayed Applications

LTC: A Possible Solution for Your Client's "Rainy Day" Funds

Are Your Clients Hiding Financial Assets from You?

Life Insurance Awareness - Advantages of Indexed Universal Life

3 Negative Beliefs Many Prospects Have About Financial Professionals

Why Your Clients are Starved for Higher Interest Rates

5 Reasons to Create a First Impression Kit for Your Business

How You Can Turn More Workshop and Seminar Attendees into Clients

These 7 Reasons are Why Top Producers Have More Success

Bond Alternatives You Can Use to Strengthen Your Clients' Portfolios

How IUL Policies Can Provide Your Clients More Benefits with Less Risk

5 Valuable Lessons I Learned from a Prospect Who Said "No"

Independent Advisors Should Choose an IMO with a Skilled Support Team

How to Plan for a Client's Provisional Income in Retirement

The "Amazon Effect" of Technology on Your Prospects and Clients

Financial Professionals Need to Create Individualized Strategies for All Clients

Golf Outings: A Financial Services Tool for Client Appreciation

How Your Client's Indexed Universal Life Policy Credits Interest

5 Important Details to Consider When Helping Clients Plan for Retirement

Is It Time to Retire the "Rule of 100" and One-Size-Fits-All Plans?

Why IUL Works for Your Clients Today and Tomorrow

Why and How Financial Professionals Should Fire a Client

Selling to Younger Prospects in the Age of Technology

How Taxes Impact Your Clients' Different Financial Accounts

What You Should Know Before Requesting an Illustration

How Financial Advisors Can Meet with More Qualified Prospects

Why Financial Advisors Should Work with a Graphic Designer

Do Your Clients See You as a Financial Supplier or an Architect?

The Best Place to Host Your Prospecting Seminars and Workshops

Are PowerPoints a Financial Professional's Friend or Enemy?

Every Financial Plan Needs a Solid Foundation

How the Long Term Performance of IUL Benefits Your Clients

3 Steps to Create Walking Billboards (Referrals) for your Business

Font Matters: 5 Ways Advisors Can Improve Their Marketing Materials

What Does a Home Improvement Store Have to Do with Financial Services?

Why IUL Isn't as Expensive as Your Clients May Think

My Favorite (and the Best) Financial Product for Clients

How to Organize Your Financial Services Office Space

How to Build the Roster of Your Financial Team

Know Who You're Talking to at Prospecting Workshops and Seminars

Why You Need to Have Annual Review Meetings with Clients

How to Improve Your Financial Services Office with Technology

Why Cheap Prospecting Programs Are Not Low Cost

Create a Complete Financial Plan for Clients with Your Team

Why Prospecting Isn't as Expensive as You Think

How to Identify the Best Clients While Prospecting

Do Your Clients Have Lazy Money?

Why You Need Consistently Branded Marketing Materials

How to Succeed as an Independent Financial Professional

Top 6 Business Mistakes of Financial Advisors (and How to Avoid Them)

Why Financial Advisors Should Participate in Mastermind Group Meetings

CD's, Fixed Annuities, and Fixed Indexed Annuities Share the Same Risk

How to Present Concepts to Prospects Who are Interested in Details

All Financial Advisors and Agents Need These Software Programs

5 Traits of the Most Successful Financial Advisors

Get it Together! - the Impact of Organization on Productivity

8 Things an IMO Should Do for Their Insurance Producers this Year

Why You Should Have Meetings in an Office Instead of Making House Calls

5 Important Things to Remember when Meeting with Prospects

How to Establish a Professional Financial Services Office

Why Advisors Need Credible Financial Literacy Certifications

What Your Logo's Colors Mean to Prospects and Clients

How Financial Advisors Can Build Trust with Prospects and Clients

You Should Own Indexed Annuities if You Sell Them

Financial Advisors Should Be Using Video Marketing

Provide a First Class Experience for Your Prospects and Clients

Another Brick in the Wall (Street)

How You Ask Questions Can Improve First Meetings with Prospects

Why Indexed Products Are Not Created Equal

What Your Body Language Tells Your Prospects

Don't Stop Prospecting During the Holidays

What Your Prospects Need to Hear You Say

3 Mistakes You're Making at Workshops and Seminars

Financial Advisors Should Be Cautious of "Super Sized" Annuities

5 Tips for Designing Your Financial Services Website

Dealing with the DOL Fiduciary Rule


This content is for informational and educational purposes only and is not designed, or intended, to be applicable to any person's individual circumstances. It should not be considered as investment advice, nor does it constitute a recommendation that anyone engage in (or refrain from) a particular course of action.